Wizards, knights, spells, swords, dragons and monsters; all seemingly fantical things can be found right on your table and in the palm of your hand. The D&D Club, or Dungeons and Dragons club, is one of the many clubs found at St. Thomas.
Dungeons and Dragons is the quintessential table-top, role-playing, ogre-fighting game for anyone who wishes to gain treasure and fight monsters. The club at STH meets once a week to continue their campaigns.
“A variety of different campaigns are going on all at one time” said D&D moderator Mr. Baker. “Some campaigns are led by students and are played inside and outside of class”.
The multitude of campaigns present at one time at the club allows for anyone to show up and participate and escape into the realms of wizards and sword fights. The club was founded to give students at school an opportunity to play D&D they otherwise would not have. It is also some students’ first time experiencing an RPG game.
An underlying purpose for the club is “to create a safe haven for like minded nerds during lunch” (Mr. Baker).
The original club was founded by an old teacher in 2018, and it has been a popular club ever since. D&D has gained recognition and popularity over the past few years because of its portrayal in popular media, like the show Stranger Things.
The club itself has continued to grow because “there is less of a stigma around the game and being a nerd” (Mr. Baker).
If you ever wonder what it would be like to fight a dragon, or obtain mass amounts of loot from completing a quest, look no further than the D&D club, a utopia for those who thirst for adventure.