Ping-Pong Fury!


The annual Eagles Ping-Pong tournament began earlier this week with numerous students participating. The competition is between players and the houses.

Two time ping-pong tournament winner Parker Weiss ‘23, is defending his crown in this year’s tournament. “Of course I am going to win, I am simply the best,” said Parker Weiss ‘23. The tournament has had a blazing start, with the first week having a record-high 60 matches occurring. Luka Salcedo ‘23 suffered a crushing defeat against Parker Weiss ‘23 this Wednesday. Luka took the lead with a win in game 1, but Parker came back and won games 2 and 3.

The annual ping-pong tournament began four years ago, and has been a hit since. It  serves as a competition not only between the students and the houses, but the teachers as well. This year, for the first time ever, teachers joined the tournament. Mr. Davenport, Mr. O’Brien, Mr. Baker, and Mr. Koblyas are representing their houses in the tournament.

Along with the blazing battles between the students, the atmosphere during the games is buzzing. Spectating the matches are teachers and students alike, all watching in anticipation at who is going to win. With nail biting finishes and crazy slams, the matches never cease to bring in spectators, and the popularity of the tournament does not seem to be ending anytime soon.

The ping-pong tournament will no doubt be cherished for years to come, and increased participation will only make it even more popular.