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The Student News Site of Saint Thomas High School

The Eagle

The Student News Site of Saint Thomas High School

The Eagle

The Student News Site of Saint Thomas High School

The Eagle

Charlie Bellomo '24

Charlie Bellomo ’24, Student Journalist

Charlie Bellomo is a senior and this is his firs year on the Eagle Magazine staff. His interests in student journalism include the actions of expressing his own creative writing for the use of providing stories which he hopes to entertain his school community, along with being able to practice and further improve upon his skills of writing, editing, and photography. Outside of journalism He is interested in both the fine arts and sports departments offered at STH. He enjoys both the musical side of fine arts such as singing, but also the acting side within theater, as he sees it as a way of showing others his passion for wanting to entertain through vivid expression. Pertaining to sports, he enjoys being apart of a community which relishes in similar interests as himself, especially in football, as he feel’s being apart of such an active group allows a greater bondage among his peers at STH. In the future he wishes to relate back to his common interests in both photography and writing in his life as a break from a future profession he may end up doing, possibly in the entertainment industry.

All content by Charlie Bellomo ’24
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