Pro Flex Time

Last year, STH students would have at least one hour of free time during their day. Normally, a 30-minute break and a 30-minute lunch. On Mondays and Fridays, students often would have 30 minutes cut from their day after B period to have a break or catch up on homework. Thursdays, flex time would be at the beginning of the day, letting us start school 30 minutes later than normal. Tuesdays and Wednesdays we would have an hour for lunch. This year, we would only get 30 minutes for lunch, reducing our breaks to relax and not have to worry about school. Flex time, no matter what day, was always a nice opportunity to talk to your friends, have free time and work on homework. Also, last year we only had two block days a week, instead of five. I think going back to our normal, eight-day schedule will benefit students’ academics. Sitting in a chair for 80 minutes straight is a long time, and after a while, people start to lose focus. Next year, I hope block days are reduced to two weeks, and flex time can be re-instated.