Full-Time Remote Should Remain an Option

The return to campus at St. Thomas High School in September led to the development of our Hybrid schedules. This schedule allowed students to have their choice of returning to campus or staying online.
We are at a moment in time where we have to face the challenges of a global pandemic while receiving a proper education and returning to a normalized lifestyle. I believe this schedule gave students as well as parents comfort by providing them with a choice. October 12 will be the start of a new schedule that takes away the choice to receive a virtual education full-time.
I have personally enjoyed being back on campus because, as Dr. Dominguez previously stated, we only have four years for our high school experience. With that being said, each family might have special circumstances that makes this upcoming schedule a challenge for them. The Hybrid Learning Model was well thought out and planned, but it seems that not being able to have that choice does not fit everyone’s needs.
I believe that the most reasonable approach to this conflict is to not take away the students and parents choice of staying online or returning to campus. This could potentially set us back in working towards a normal school lifestyle. I do not see the problem with continuing to give the option of staying online because we will also have to return to a full- time virtual schedule after Thanksgiving.