Recycling Resources Need A Boost

Recycling Resources Need A Boost

It is evident now more than ever that we need to do our part to protect the environment around us. From picking up litter to riding our bikes, we can all do our part and be stewards of a clean world. The issue? While it is true that St. Thomas does do some recycling, it is simply not enough. Many classrooms don’t have recycling bins, and there are virtually none in the courtyard or cafeteria. Many students, like myself, are forced to throw away water bottles and other materials that could otherwise be recycled. The solution? Every classroom should have one bin for waste, and another for mixed recyclables. At the end of the day, not only should this lower the amount of waste the school produces, which saves on waste removal costs, it is also the most ethical thing to do to keep our communities clean. The City of Houston has a great recycling program that should be taken advantage of.