School After the Holidays

School After the Holidays
As we enter into the holiday season, it is a good time for all of us to spend time with our families and get some rest. Even though 2020 has been rough for all of us, there are some positive things that we can look at. One of them is the fact that STH together has been able to overcome multiple challenges with Covid-19 and adapt to what is a new way of life. We embrace the fact that wearing a mask and keeping our distance will not only protect us but also protect others.
After our Thanksgiving break, I am certainly expecting there to be a rise in cases, which unfortunately decreases the odds of STH going to full 100% capacity. The cases will most likely go up because of all of the traveling and gatherings between families for the holidays. At this point, it will be more important than ever to take stronger precautions in order to stop the spread of Covid-19. This does not even include what will happen after Christmas. I think there will be even more traveling done for Christmas which will most likely cause more spreading of the virus. I think what STH should do is wait until the Christmas season is over and then make the determination on what we should do next.
I think that the right thing STH should do after Christmas break is to not rush us all going back to school in 100% capacity because that’s when I think cases will rise in our STH community. If we do return to campus after Christmas break, I doubt that the cases will decrease to the point where we can return 100%. There is hope with a new vaccine, but even that will take a long time to be distributed to everyone. If STH keeps us at home doing remote learning or in a hybrid model for the rest of the year, then I’m perfectly fine with that because it’s for our safety.