Also Pro Flex Time

In my freshman year at St.Thomas High school, there was a period during the day called Flex Time where it was 10-20 minutes of free time where you could spend time with friends, do homework, study for a quiz or test, or talk to teachers for help. Flex time was a really good time to bond with friends and teachers and relieve some stress from schoolwork. Now with Covid changing everyone’s schedule to 90-minute classes, they had to take flex time out because there would not be enough time to teach full lessons to classes. Furthermore, with the Covid changes, I have rarely seen my old friend group together since freshman year. Even some freshmen cannot see some of their friends and be with their whole friend groups because of these changes. These covid changes are ruining the eagle brotherhood bonds by separating and splitting friend groups. This is why we should bring back flex time, so we can have time for our friendships, school work, and bonds with teachers. Classes or lunch could be cut shorter where we could fit in 10-20 minutes of the day where students can do their school work, bond with their friends again, and talk to teachers for help. Flex time would relieve stress off of many people and it would create a packed and solid friendship with our Eagle brothers.