Return to Regular Schedule

I think that St. Thomas should have regular days, 3 days a week, like they used to. I also think that they should bring back flex time. The regular days that I am talking about are the days where we have all our classes in one day instead of splitting it up into 2 days. I think that they should do this because students start to lose their focus and interest about half way into it. It is also very hard to focus while sitting in the same spot for an hour and a half. St. Thomas should do this because the majority of the students would probably be in favor of it and I think the teachers would be as well. This would allow the students to focus throughout the whole class period and make better grades because there paying attention the whole time.
St. Thomas should also bring back flex time, flex time was a mini lunch because it was about 25 minutes long and there were ping pong tables, foosball, and air hockey, and other fun games that students could play during flex time. Unfortunately, COVID-19 ruined flex time and many other things for us so we could no longer have it. But I think St. Thomas should bring back flex but without all the games and close contact things flex used to offer because it would just be relaxing and less stressful to have a break in between second period. It is still relaxing to play on our phones and have a snack in-between second period.